sunday August 8, 2010

I could not sleep last night. I got like less than 10 minutes of it. Well I was going to wake up about 8-8:30 and I did. I made coffee and tea for my parents and got my sister and her friend up. it wasn't pretty. Any way, we got to church just in the nik of time. We sang our praise to God and learned what the tower of babel meant. (God was sad that there was evil. the people wanted to go to the heavens when ever they wanted and God saw that it was wrong. to one day, it doesn't say how he did it but, he made there word different. They got confused and went there ways.) When we were done with awaken my friends and I wen to youth. I hung out with my other friend and we talked a good 10 minutes before youth group started. (DUDE! I so need to stop talking about him. I make it sound that I'm in love with him, which I am, but still.) Went back to my group and went to the seat I save for myself. Jordan was on the subject of love and I got a lot out of it. Right in the middle of it there was this BIG cockroach and I flipped out. I do not flip out but it was so sudden. I finally told my self to just leave it there and diapered between the walls. and i didn't see again. We finished and we went to small group. We had a 10 minute small group prayer and left. I found the rest of my friends and untill Andrew came out of his small group. Merik., my former best friend, started to yell at him and was going to say in a lovey voice that I needed to talk to him. I screamed in her face it was a total mistake. Later I told her sorry like 200 times. (She forgave me about 30 minutes later.) Hes dad was ready to go and he had no time to talk. It made me sad because he would normally come over say by and give me a huge. I  told Merik that I was sad but didn't tell her what was wrong. She told Andrew thinking that he would cheer me up. She was right. But he has yet to call. Any way, I got home around 1-1:30 and I was not a happy camper. Like I said I didn't get much sleep or anything to eat ether. I got some thing to eat then went to take a nap. Went to my room, read a chapter of Harry Potter (I'm on the 3rd book!) and fell asleep. Dad came in and woke me up around 5-5:30. that was most of my day.
